Batting Run Ranges for A.Swain
Score Range | Occurances |
0 - 9 | 3 |
10 - 19 | 0 |
20 - 29 | 0 |
30 - 39 | 0 |
40 - 49 | 0 |
50 - 59 | 0 |
60 - 69 | 0 |
70 - 79 | 0 |
80 - 89 | 0 |
90 - 99 | 0 |
100+ | 0 |
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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I simply don't know how they have got to their age without electrocuting themselves or doing themselves some real harm...Rob Key asked Adil Rashid the other day what animal a lamb came from. He thought it was a cow! - Graeme Swann