Oldest captains on debut
Name | Age | Date | |
1 | IS.Hayre | 48 years 58 days | 23/04/2022 |
2 | N.Page | 45 years 213 days | 12/08/1984 |
3 | M.Ayub | 44 years 6 days | 07/05/2022 |
4 | T.Hartley | 43 years 305 days | 24/06/1993 |
5 | N.Balasingam | 42 years 174 days | 10/04/2022 |
6 | P.Hopton | 42 years 75 days | 18/07/2006 |
7 | CL.Strange | 41 years 109 days | 11/08/1984 |
8 | DS.Williamson | 40 years 70 days | 04/07/2004 |
9 | MCB.Burbidge | 40 years 9 days | 28/04/1984 |
10 | Jim.Robinson | 39 years 268 days | 13/06/1959 |
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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St Juniper once said; "By his loins shall ye know him, and by the length of his rod shall he be measured." - The King (Blackadder)