Most consecutive matches missed
Player | Matches | First | Last | Period | |
1 | C.Hornsey | 1131 | 30/04/1980 | 06/05/2003 | 23 years 6 days |
2 | E.Davey | 731 | 04/07/1985 | 30/04/2000 | 14 years 301 days |
3 | W.S.Yates | 719 | 24/07/1976 | 28/07/1991 | 15 years 4 days |
4 | R.Green | 715 | 05/07/1990 | 06/07/2006 | 16 years 1 days |
5 | A.Larmour | 671 | 11/05/1972 | 16/08/1987 | 15 years 97 days |
6 | A.Larmour | 607 | 23/08/1987 | 01/08/1999 | 11 years 343 days |
7 | A.Henderson | 607 | 06/05/1989 | 29/05/2001 | 12 years 23 days |
8 | S.Brumby | 587 | 24/05/1983 | 19/07/1994 | 11 years 56 days |
9 | P.Spittlehouse | 555 | 30/07/1991 | 20/07/2003 | 11 years 355 days |
10 | K.Burton | 543 | 21/06/1966 | 16/06/1982 | 15 years 360 days |
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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The eyes are open, the mouth moves, but Mr Brain has long since departed, hasn't he, Perce? - Blackadder