Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Nettleton Mines against Brocklesby Park at Holton le Moor on 10/07/1984

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 S.Trevor Caught R.Chappell (Sen.) S.Maplethorpe 30 2 1
2 C.Slater Bowled S.Maplethorpe 21 2 0
3 Matt.Robinson Not Out 16 1 0
4 M.Winfield Not Out 18 1 1
5 M.Shaw DNB -
6 R.Green DNB -
7 C.Moore DNB -
8 N.Page DNB -
9 MJ.Joyce DNB -
10 T.Phillips DNB -
11 JD.Burbidge DNB -
Extras 11
15.0 Overs Total 96/2
1 57 2 63 3 96 4 - 5 -
S.Trevor C.Slater - -
6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -
- - - - -

Bowling (8-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 J.Farmery 3.0 0 26 0
2 P.Howard 3.0 0 18 0
3 S.Maplethorpe 3.0 0 6 2
4 S.White 3.0 0 13 0
5 R.Dales 1.0 0 1 0
6 J.Parkinson 1.0 0 8 0
7 J.Nixon 1.0 0 13 0

Innings of Nettleton Mines

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 S.White Caught R.Green M.Shaw 10 0 0
2 J.Nixon Bowled M.Shaw 0 0 0
3 N.Dowman Caught S.Trevor M.Shaw 10 1 0
4 J.Dales Not Out 49 8 1
5 S.Maplethorpe Not Out 25 1 2
6 J.Farmery DNB -
7 P.Howard DNB -
8 R.Dales DNB -
9 J.Parkinson DNB -
10 R.Chappell (Sen.) DNB -
11 DNB -
Extras 8
10.3 Overs Total 102/3
1 0 2 15 3 34 4 102 5 -
J.Nixon S.White N.Dowman -
6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -
- - - - -

Bowling (8-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 JD.Burbidge 2.0 0 21 0
2 M.Shaw 3.0 0 14 3
3 R.Green 3.0 0 33 0
4 T.Phillips 2.0 0 19 0
5 M.Winfield 0.3 0 7 0

Nettleton Mines won by 7 wickets

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