Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Hartsholme at Brocklesby Park on 20/05/1978

Innings of Hartsholme

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 K.Leaning Caught and Bowled MCB.Burbidge 69 6 1
2 B.Denton Caught TJ.Robinson GR.Holmes 76 5 0
3 Pilgrim Caught PB.Burbidge GR.Holmes 2 0 0
4 L.Thompson Bowled PB.Burbidge 5 0 0
5 Garrs Caught GR.Holmes PB.Burbidge 7 0 0
6 N.Onyon LBW GR.Holmes 1 0 0
7 A.Crombie Not Out 4 0 0
8 B.Porter Caught M.Featherstone GR.Holmes 0 0 0
9 Bean Bowled PB.Burbidge 0 0 0
10 Mayall DNB -
11 Jackson DNB -
Extras 4
46.0 Overs Total 168/8
1 120 2 137 3 156 4 158 5 164
K.Leaning Pilgrim L.Thompson B.Denton N.Onyon
6 164 7 166 8 167 9 - 10 -
Garrs B.Porter Bean - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 PB.Burbidge 12.0 1 27 3
2 G.Mumby 6.0 2 21 0
3 GR.Holmes 17.0 0 54 4
4 J.Clarke 4.0 0 28 0
5 M.Featherstone 4.0 0 14 0
6 MCB.Burbidge 3.0 0 20 1

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 G.White Bowled B.Porter 32 4 0
2 TJ.Robinson Caught Garrs N.Onyon 9 0 0
3 J.Martin Caught L.Thompson N.Onyon 4 1 0
4 M.Featherstone Run Out 29 2 0
5 GR.Holmes Bowled A.Crombie 12 2 0
6 N.Page Caught N.Onyon B.Porter 0 0 0
7 KG.Smith Not Out 7 1 0
8 G.Mumby Bowled B.Porter 1 0 0
9 PB.Burbidge Bowled B.Porter 1 0 0
10 J.Clarke Stumped B.Porter 0 0 0
11 MCB.Burbidge Not Out 3 0 0
Extras 6
42.0 Overs Total 104/9
1 11 2 21 3 70 4 80 5 92
TJ.Robinson J.Martin G.White M.Featherstone N.Page
6 94 7 95 8 101 9 101 10 104
GR.Holmes G.Mumby PB.Burbidge J.Clarke -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 N.Onyon 13.0 4 29 2
2 K.Leaning 7.0 2 18 0
3 B.Porter 14.0 6 24 5
4 A.Crombie 5.0 0 19 1
5 Mayall 3.0 2 6 0


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It's the law of physics that states that if one girl screams for something, it will make other girls scream ... until all girls within a five-mile radius are screaming. Once you get girls screamin', you can't stop 'em! They're crazy!" - Chef