Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Tickhill at Brocklesby Park on 30/05/1999

Innings of Tickhill

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score
1 D.Spencer Caught SC.Turner EJ.Beacock 13
2 S.Hollingworth Bowled EJ.Beacock 2
3 S.Elliot Caught SC.Turner EJ.Beacock 0
4 P.Watson Caught and Bowled R.Smith 40
5 J.Robinson Bowled R.Smith 41
6 W.Harrison Bowled T.Smith 17
7 N.Blackman Not Out 49
8 T.Allen Not Out 5
9 M.Allen DNB -
10 D.Lee DNB -
11 J.Senior DNB -
Extras 19
41.0 Overs Total 186/6

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 EJ.Beacock 11.0 4 32 3
2 PG.Hutchinson 5.0 1 15 0
3 PC.Harrison 6.0 0 34 0
4 TJ.Clapson 7.0 0 38 0
5 R.Smith 3.0 0 16 2
6 MA.Meadows 6.0 0 32 0
7 T.Smith 3.0 0 19 1

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 CA.Strange Caught D.Spencer M.Allen 16 2 0
2 R.Smith Bowled D.Lee 0 0 0
3 SC.Turner Caught D.Spencer D.Lee 4 1 0
4 MA.Bessell Run Out 45 5 0
5 MA.Meadows Bowled M.Allen 0 0 0
6 PC.Harrison Caught N.Blackman J.Senior 14 1 0
7 TJ.Clapson Bowled W.Harrison 14 0 0
8 EJ.Beacock Bowled W.Harrison 11 1 0
9 PG.Hutchinson Not Out 17 2 0
10 T.Smith Caught S.Hollingworth T.Allen 10 1 0
11 MCB.Burbidge Caught S.Elliot W.Harrison 4 0 0
Extras 26
36.1 Overs Total 161 All Out
1 7 2 19 3 40 4 46 5 78
R.Smith SC.Turner CA.Strange MA.Meadows PC.Harrison
6 104 7 124 8 131 9 143 10 161
MA.Bessell EJ.Beacock TJ.Clapson T.Smith MCB.Burbidge

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 M.Allen 6.0 0 23 2
2 D.Lee 12.0 0 46 2
3 J.Senior 8.0 0 33 1
4 W.Harrison 4.1 0 14 3
5 S.Elliot 4.0 0 30 0
6 T.Allen 2.0 0 9 1

Tickhill won by 25 runs

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The old feller who does the washing up. - J.Wood