Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Normanby Park against Brocklesby Park at Normanby Park on 28/08/1967

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score BF 4s 6s
1 K.van den Bos Caught A.Milthorp Bedford 9 8 0 0
2 KG.Smith Caught A.Milthorp R.Coulthurst 20 75 1 0
3 K.Roberts Caught West Todd 22 29 2 0
4 EP.Haines Caught A.Milthorp R.Coulthurst 37 42 4 0
5 Bill.Margrave Caught Mann L.Coulthurst 27 66 0 0
6 PG.Douce Caught A.Milthorp Bedford 1 6 0 0
7 PB.Burbidge Bowled Bedford 9 24 0 0
8 J.Henderson Not Out 21 26 2 0
9 B.Vaughan Not Out 2 3 0 0
10 S.Butler DNB -
11 PC.Cahalin DNB -
Extras 2
47.0 Overs Total 150/7
1 9 2 45 3 69 4 93 5 96
K.van den Bos K.Roberts KG.Smith EP.Haines PG.Douce
6 126 7 128 8 150 9 - 10 -
PB.Burbidge Bill.Margrave - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 P.Hill 9.0 1 31 0
2 Bedford 14.0 2 39 3
3 L.Coulthurst 10.0 2 22 1
4 Todd 1.0 0 14 1
5 R.Coulthurst 10.0 2 26 2
6 Lonergan 3.0 0 16 0

Innings of Normanby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score BF 4s 6s
1 A.Milthorp Run Out 21 45 1 0
2 West Bowled J.Henderson 20 65 0 0
3 L.Coulthurst Caught B.Vaughan EP.Haines 43 55 5 0
4 Hunt Caught PB.Burbidge EP.Haines 3 21 0 0
5 R.Coulthurst Bowled Bill.Margrave 23 18 3 1
6 Mann Bowled Bill.Margrave 1 2 0 0
7 Wharton Caught K.Roberts Bill.Margrave 6 10 0 0
8 Lonergan Not Out 4 11 0 0
9 Bedford Bowled Bill.Margrave 0 1 0 0
10 Todd Run Out 2 2 0 0
11 P.Hill Not Out 0 7 0 0
Extras 9
40.0 Overs Total 132/9
1 34 2 59 3 64 4 118 5 118
A.Milthorp West Hunt L.Coulthurst R.Coulthurst
6 125 7 130 8 130 9 132 10 132
Mann Wharton Bedford Todd -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 PC.Cahalin 9.0 1 17 0
2 PB.Burbidge 5.0 0 14 0
3 EP.Haines 15.0 2 54 2
4 J.Henderson 5.0 0 10 1
5 K.Roberts 2.0 0 23 0
6 Bill.Margrave 4.0 1 5 4


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I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by - Douglas Adams