Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Cuxwold at Brocklesby Park on 18/07/1952

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 CR.Turner Caught C.Waterman 23 2 0
2 K.van den Bos LBW R.Walgate 5 0 0
3 Jim.Robinson Bowled R.Walgate 0 0 0
4 MJH.Davey Bowled R.Walgate 12 0 0
5 RB.Lyth Caught R.Walgate 10 1 0
6 JM.Greetham Caught C.Waterman 20 2 0
7 CC.Riggall Not Out 3 0 0
8 RW.Mumby Caught C.Waterman 0 0 0
9 D.Wicks Not Out 0 0 0
10 DNB -
11 DNB -
Extras 5
22.0 Overs Total 79/7
1 14 2 14 3 41 4 47 5 61
K.van den Bos Jim.Robinson MJH.Davey CR.Turner RB.Lyth
6 77 7 77 8 79 9 - 10 -
JM.Greetham RW.Mumby - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 R.Walgate 11.0 2 28 4
2 C.Waterman 11.0 0 50 3

Innings of Cuxwold

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 B.Taylor Bowled RB.Lyth 16 0 0
2 R.Walgate Run Out 5 0 0
3 B.Jacob Caught and Bowled MJH.Davey 0 0 0
4 R.Buckley Caught MJH.Davey 7 1 0
5 G.Hicks Bowled MJH.Davey 0 0 0
6 G.Baxter Bowled MJH.Davey 0 0 0
7 H.Baxter Bowled RB.Lyth 5 0 0
8 K.Stothard Run Out 10 1 0
9 C.Waterman Stumped Jim.Robinson 2 0 0
10 H.Clark Not Out 2 0 0
11 M.Cox Not Out 2 0 0
Extras 0
22.0 Overs Total 49/9

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 RB.Lyth 10.0 1 22 2
2 MJH.Davey 10.0 3 22 4
3 Jim.Robinson 1.0 0 2 1
4 CC.Riggall 1.0 0 3 0

Brocklesby Park won by 30 runs

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The old feller who does the washing up. - J.Wood