Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Caistor at Brocklesby Park on 20/05/1950

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 RB.Clayton Bowled F.Sowerby 1 0 0
2 K.van den Bos Caught F.Sowerby 6 0 0
3 Jim.Robinson Run Out 32 3 0
4 CR.Turner Caught D.Drakes 2 0 0
5 EW.Hoyle Bowled D.Drakes 1 0 0
6 JM.Greetham Caught D.Drakes 0 0 0
7 PS.Raby Caught D.Drakes 5 0 0
8 H.Dale Bowled F.Sowerby 2 0 0
9 MJH.Davey Caught D.Drakes 5 0 0
10 JH.Lidgett Caught D.Drakes 0 0 0
11 CC.Riggall Not Out 0 0 0
Extras 3
26.5 Overs Total 57 All Out
1 2 2 23 3 43 4 43 5 44
RB.Clayton K.van den Bos Jim.Robinson CR.Turner EW.Hoyle
6 45 7 52 8 56 9 57 10 57
JM.Greetham PS.Raby H.Dale MJH.Davey JH.Lidgett

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 WH.Davies 4.0 0 15 0
2 F.Sowerby 13.0 5 21 3
3 E.Storr 1.0 1 0 0
4 D.Drakes 8.5 1 18 6

Innings of Caistor

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 L.Drakes Bowled MJH.Davey 12 0 0
2 S.Barnes LBW RB.Clayton 0 0 0
3 B.Burrell Bowled MJH.Davey 0 0 0
4 F.Sowerby LBW PS.Raby 23 0 0
5 J.Halt Bowled MJH.Davey 0 0 0
6 D.Drakes Caught MJH.Davey 0 0 0
7 E.Storr Caught Jim.Robinson 0 0 0
8 C.Todd Caught JH.Lidgett 0 0 0
9 WH.Davies Bowled Jim.Robinson 4 0 0
10 A.King Bowled RB.Clayton 7 0 0
11 J.Havercroft Not Out 0 0 0
Extras 6
30.1 Overs Total 52 All Out

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 RB.Clayton 5.1 2 10 2
2 Jim.Robinson 9.0 4 7 2
3 MJH.Davey 7.0 4 7 4
4 CR.Turner 3.0 1 8 0
5 PS.Raby 3.0 0 10 1
6 JH.Lidgett 3.0 1 4 1

Brocklesby Park won by 5 runs

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As my tutor, old bubble face, used to say: "make love and be merry, for tomorrow you may catch some disgusting skin disease." - Blackadder