Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Grimoldby against Brocklesby Park at Grimoldby on 02/05/2021

Innings of Grimoldby

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score BF 4s 6s
1 A.Gilbride Bowled T.Niganthan 2 11 0 0
2 J.Owen Bowled H.Lewis 27 51 3 0
3 R.Hayward Bowled H.Lewis 23 51 1 0
4 R.Maidment Bowled N.Balasingam 44 47 5 1
5 S.Bailey Bowled N.Balasingam 5 19 1 0
6 W.Garrett-Millar Bowled N.Balasingam 1 8 0 0
7 C.Forsyth Not Out 36 27 4 1
8 R.Spence Bowled N.Balasingam 4 4 1 0
9 JJ.Clarke Bowled N.Balasingam 0 6 0 0
10 K.Owen Caught and Bowled M.Ayub 2 11 0 0
11 M.Maidment Not Out 1 6 0 0
Extras 15
40.0 Overs Total 160/9
1 3 2 56 3 61 4 97 5 108
A.Gilbride R.Hayward J.Owen S.Bailey W.Garrett-Millar
6 115 7 119 8 125 9 158 10 160
R.Maidment R.Spence JJ.Clarke K.Owen -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 K.Balamayuran 5.0 0 14 0
2 T.Niganthan 8.0 1 27 1
3 RJ.Bedwell 7.0 0 30 0
4 H.Lewis 5.0 1 22 2
5 N.Balasingam 7.0 0 27 5
6 U.Sayanthan 5.0 0 22 0
7 M.Ayub 3.0 0 13 1

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score BF 4s 6s
1 IS.Sandhu Caught J.Owen M.Maidment 26 39 4 0
2 U.Sayanthan Caught and Bowled J.Owen 27 35 4 1
3 M.Ayub LBW M.Maidment 0 9 0 0
4 S.Nadarajah Caught R.Maidment M.Maidment 5 19 0 0
5 K.Balamayuran Bowled K.Owen 30 35 5 0
6 H.Lewis Caught C.Forsyth J.Owen 1 14 0 0
7 LH.Bandara Caught JJ.Clarke M.Maidment 4 3 1 0
8 N.Balasingam Caught A.Gilbride K.Owen 52 45 8 0
9 T.Niganthan Not Out 8 13 1 0
10 T.Renshaw Not Out 0 3 0 0
11 RJ.Bedwell DNB -
Extras 8
35.5 Overs Total 161/8
1 55 2 55 3 59 4 67 5 74
U.Sayanthan IS.Sandhu M.Ayub S.Nadarajah H.Lewis
6 79 7 132 8 159 9 161 10 -
LH.Bandara K.Balamayuran N.Balasingam - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 K.Owen 7.0 0 36 2
2 C.Forsyth 6.5 0 30 0
3 J.Owen 8.0 3 22 2
4 M.Maidment 8.0 0 32 4
5 S.Bailey 3.0 0 21 0
6 R.Hayward 3.0 0 20 0

Brocklesby Park won by 2 wickets

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In the dime stores and bus stations, People talk of situations, Read books, repeat quotations, Draw conclusions on the wall. - Bob Dylan