Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Tetford at Keelby (Stallingborough Road) on 13/06/2021

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 U.Sayanthan Caught M.Kelsey J.Watters 23 5 0
2 M.Ayub LBW B.Willerton 42 6 1
3 K.Balamayuran Caught P.Wood N.Paige 37 6 0
4 LH.Bandara LBW T.Baxter 34 4 1
5 IS.Sandhu Bowled N.Paige 6 0 0
6 K.Navaratnam Caught M.Roberts N.Paige 10 0 0
7 N.Balasingam Caught E.Wood T.Baxter 5 1 0
8 A.Sivalingam Run Out J.Watters 11 1 0
9 K.Raveenthiran Not Out 7 0 0
10 G.Mahalingam Not Out 2 0 0
11 RJ.Bedwell DNB -
Extras 7
40.0 Overs Total 184/8
1 45 2 93 3 141 4 143 5 147
U.Sayanthan M.Ayub K.Balamayuran LH.Bandara IS.Sandhu
6 152 7 170 8 177 9 184 10 -
N.Balasingam A.Sivalingam K.Navaratnam - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 M.Roberts 2.3 0 10 0
2 B.Willerton 8.0 2 25 1
3 N.Paige 7.3 0 21 3
4 T.Baxter 8.0 1 27 2
5 J.Watters 8.0 0 46 1
6 P.Wood 6.0 0 54 0

Innings of Tetford

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 N.Paige Caught U.Sayanthan RJ.Bedwell 22 2 0
2 T.Baxter Caught G.Mahalingam K.Balamayuran 0 0 0
3 M.Kelsey Bowled M.Ayub 1 0 0
4 J.Watters Caught G.Mahalingam RJ.Bedwell 22 4 0
5 P.Wood Caught K.Balamayuran A.Sivalingam 20 1 0
6 B.Willerton Caught K.Balamayuran U.Sayanthan 1 0 0
7 E.Smith Caught K.Balamayuran RJ.Bedwell 0 0 0
8 E.Wood Caught K.Balamayuran RJ.Bedwell 4 0 0
9 M.Roberts Bowled A.Sivalingam 0 0 0
10 A.Allen Caught M.Ayub K.Raveenthiran 0 0 0
11 Molly.Kelsey Not Out 0 0 0
Extras 10
30.1 Overs Total 80 All Out
1 9 2 10 3 49 4 51 5 56
T.Baxter M.Kelsey J.Watters N.Paige B.Willerton
6 56 7 65 8 66 9 80 10 80
E.Smith E.Wood M.Roberts P.Wood A.Allen

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 K.Balamayuran 5.0 1 13 1
2 M.Ayub 5.0 4 3 1
3 RJ.Bedwell 8.0 0 26 4
4 A.Sivalingam 5.0 0 26 2
5 U.Sayanthan 5.0 1 6 1
6 G.Mahalingam 2.0 1 2 0
7 K.Raveenthiran 0.1 0 0 1

Brocklesby Park won by 104 runs

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Administered these days by businessmen who have no feel for, or genuine love and understanding of the game, cricket is played purely for money, ego and power for those who control it. - Jonathan Agnew