Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Sutton-on-Sea against Brocklesby Park at Sutton-on-Sea on 16/07/2000

Innings of Sutton-on-Sea

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 D.Howman Caught T.Hartley RJ.Bedwell 19 1 0
2 G.Smalley Bowled JD.Burbidge 4 0 0
3 M.Collins Bowled EJ.Beacock 4 0 0
4 M.Brankin Caught MC.Hutchinson RJ.Bedwell 1 0 0
5 S.Scarlett Caught EJ.Beacock PJ.Thompson 26 3 0
6 K.Nelson Bowled JD.Burbidge 29 3 0
7 R.Walker Bowled RJ.Bedwell 6 0 0
8 C.Nelson Not Out 17 0 0
9 G.Asher Not Out 6 0 0
10 A.Squires DNB -
11 T.Beardsley DNB -
Extras 9
40.0 Overs Total 121/7
1 13 2 24 3 27 4 39 5 65
G.Smalley M.Collins M.Brankin D.Howman S.Scarlett
6 87 7 102 8 121 9 - 10 -
R.Walker K.Nelson - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 JD.Burbidge 10.0 0 33 2
2 EJ.Beacock 10.0 3 21 1
3 PJ.Thompson 10.0 2 29 1
4 RJ.Bedwell 10.0 1 34 3

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 G.White Not Out 57 4 0
2 CA.Strange Not Out 61 7 0
3 JG.Hutchinson DNB -
4 T.Hartley DNB -
5 PG.Hutchinson DNB -
6 TJ.Clapson DNB -
7 MC.Hutchinson DNB -
8 EJ.Beacock DNB -
9 RJ.Bedwell DNB -
10 JD.Burbidge DNB -
11 PJ.Thompson DNB -
Extras 5
29.4 Overs Total 123/0
1 123 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -
- - - -
6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -
- - - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 M.Collins 4.0 0 11 0
2 R.Walker 5.0 2 17 0
3 C.Nelson 3.0 0 27 0
4 M.Brankin 7.0 0 18 0
5 G.Asher 5.0 0 22 0
6 K.Nelson 3.0 0 11 0
7 T.Beardsley 2.4 0 17 0

Brocklesby Park won by 10 wickets

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I wish that I knew what I know now, When I was younger - The Small Faces