Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Friskney against Brocklesby Park at Friskney on 23/07/2000

Innings of Friskney

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 T.Butler Caught and Bowled EJ.Beacock 29 4 0
2 S.Dawson Bowled NJ.Beacock 67 12 0
3 Louth LBW EJ.Beacock 4 0 0
4 R.Grant Bowled NJ.Beacock 10 0 1
5 S.Ingamells Run Out MC.Hutchinson 37 3 2
6 I.Morris Bowled JD.Burbidge 11 2 0
7 D.Robinson Bowled NJ.Beacock 5 0 0
8 T.Holland Run Out JG.Hutchinson 0 0 0
9 G.Danby Not Out 2 0 0
10 W.Barker DNB -
11 S.Dawson DNB -
Extras 23
40.0 Overs Total 187/8
1 85 2 112 3 126 4 127 5 169
T.Butler Louth R.Grant S.Dawson I.Morris
6 178 7 178 8 187 9 - 10 -
S.Ingamells T.Holland D.Robinson - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 JD.Burbidge 10.0 1 35 1
2 NJ.Beacock 10.0 2 48 3
3 EJ.Beacock 10.0 1 41 2
4 PJ.Thompson 10.0 0 49 0

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 G.White Caught T.Butler I.Morris 39 6 0
2 JG.Hutchinson Caught T.Butler R.Grant 12 2 0
3 T.Hartley Caught Louth D.Robinson 5 0 0
4 PG.Hutchinson Bowled I.Morris 8 1 0
5 TJ.Clapson Bowled I.Morris 0 0 0
6 NJ.Beacock Not Out 16 1 0
7 MCB.Burbidge Caught T.Butler Louth 4 1 0
8 EJ.Beacock Bowled I.Morris 0 0 0
9 MC.Hutchinson Not Out 13 2 0
10 JD.Burbidge DNB -
11 PJ.Thompson DNB -
Extras 27
40.0 Overs Total 124/7
1 34 2 55 3 86 4 86 5 89
JG.Hutchinson T.Hartley G.White TJ.Clapson PG.Hutchinson
6 100 7 101 8 124 9 - 10 -
MCB.Burbidge EJ.Beacock - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 G.Danby 5.0 0 22 0
2 R.Grant 8.0 2 21 1
3 S.Dawson 10.0 1 21 0
4 D.Robinson 7.0 3 13 1
5 I.Morris 7.0 0 24 4
6 Louth 1.0 0 1 1
7 S.Gilding 2.0 0 12 0

Friskney won by 63 runs

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