Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Cherry Valley at Brocklesby Park on 12/07/1994

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 J.Brumby Run Out 21 3 0
2 J.Fenney Bowled R.Brown 3 0 0
3 SC.Turner+ Run Out 23 2 0
4 CJ.Smith Run Out 12 1 0
5 MA.Bessell Caught and Bowled M.Chapman 5 1 0
6 MCB.Burbidge Bowled M.Chapman 0 0 0
7 NJ.Beacock LBW T.Lawrence 1 0 0
8 N.Towns Bowled T.Lawrence 3 0 0
9 N.Twinn Not Out 0 0 0
10 JD.Burbidge DNB -
11 0
Extras 10
14.0 Overs Total 78/9
1 15 2 27 3 65 4 67 5 67
J.Fenney J.Brumby CJ.Smith MA.Bessell MCB.Burbidge
6 68 7 72 8 78 9 - 10 -
NJ.Beacock N.Towns SC.Turner - -

Bowling (8-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 R.Brown 3.0 0 14 1
2 T.Lawrence 3.0 0 13 2
3 S.Norton 3.0 0 17 0
4 Marriott 2.0 0 16 0
5 M.Chapman 3.0 0 10 2

Innings of Cherry Valley

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 N.Cains Stumped SC.Turner MCB.Burbidge 34 3 0
2 D.Dewitt Caught MCB.Burbidge JD.Burbidge 2 0 0
3 D.Togher Not Out 31 3 0
4 T.Lawrence Not Out 4 0 0
5 R.Brown DNB -
6 M.Chapman DNB -
7 Marriott DNB -
8 S.Norton DNB -
9 DNB -
10 DNB -
11 DNB -
Extras 8
10.2 Overs Total 79/2
1 3 2 68 3 79 4 - 5 -
D.Dewitt N.Cains - -
6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -
- - - - -

Bowling (8-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 JD.Burbidge 3.0 1 6 1
2 MA.Bessell 2.0 0 28 0
3 NJ.Beacock 3.0 0 26 0
4 MCB.Burbidge 2.2 0 15 1

Cherry Valley won by 8 wickets

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They do say, Mrs M, that verbal insults hurt more than physical pain. They are, of course, wrong, as you will soon discover when I stick this toasting fork into your head. - Blackadder