Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Cherry Valley against Brocklesby Park at Caistor Yarborough on 03/07/2001

Innings of Cherry Valley

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 J.Leadbeater Bowled NJ.Beacock 95 9 8
2 A.Dawson Bowled D.Birch 9 1 0
3 B.Gissing LBW MW.Pumfrey 28 2 2
4 B.Marriott Not Out 10 1 0
5 P.Pixsley Bowled MW.Pumfrey 0 0 0
6 L.Togher Bowled MW.Pumfrey 2 0 0
7 T.Lawrence Not Out 23 2 1
8 A.Wright DNB -
9 R.Farrow DNB -
10 0
11 0
Extras 21
13.0 Overs Total 188/7
1 59 2 141 3 141 4 141 5 160
A.Dawson J.Leadbeater B.Gissing P.Pixsley L.Togher
6 188 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -
- - - - -

Bowling (8-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 MJ.Epton 2.0 0 25 0
2 NJ.Beacock 3.0 0 33 1
3 J.Aram 2.0 0 43 0
4 D.Birch 3.0 0 57 1
5 M.Dawson 1.0 0 18 0
6 MW.Pumfrey 2.0 1 7 3

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 MW.Pumfrey Bowled A.Wright 3 0 0
2 M.Bell Stumped L.Caernes A.Dawson 1 0 0
3 T.Dixon Bowled A.Dawson 9 1 0
4 P.Would Caught B.Marriott R.Farrow 12 0 0
5 M.Dawson Caught B.Gissing P.Pixsley 13 1 0
6 S.Lewis Not Out 10 1 0
7 E.Bennett Bowled P.Pixsley 4 0 0
8 J.Aram Bowled P.Pixsley 0 0 0
9 D.Birch Run Out 5 1 0
10 MJ.Epton Bowled R.Farrow 0 0 0
11 NJ.Beacock Not Out 0 0 0
Extras 15
13.0 Overs Total 72/9
1 4 2 5 3 26 4 41 5 47
MW.Pumfrey M.Bell T.Dixon P.Would M.Dawson
6 66 7 66 8 72 9 72 10 72
E.Bennett J.Aram D.Birch MJ.Epton -

Bowling (8-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 A.Wright 3.0 0 14 1
2 A.Dawson 3.0 1 10 2
3 R.Farrow 3.0 0 16 2
4 P.Pixsley 3.0 9 18 3
5 B.Gissing 1.0 0 9 0

Cherry Valley won by 116 runs

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I have erred and strayed like a lost ox... I have coveted my father's adultery... I have not always honoured my neighbours ass. - Blackadder