Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Caistor at Brocklesby Park on 22/07/1986

Innings of Caistor

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 W.Jacob Stumped S.Chapman R.Green 55 11 0
2 R.Marriot Not Out 40 4 0
3 G.Livings Bowled JD.Burbidge 11 0 0
4 D.Kendall Caught S.Chapman SD.Joyce 0 0 0
5 E.Allison Not Out 7 0 0
6 C.Roberts DNB -
7 D.Allison DNB -
8 K.Dawson DNB -
9 D.Gowshall DNB -
10 S.Blanchard DNB -
11 Mark.Allison DNB -
Extras 9
14.0 Overs Total 122/3
1 80 2 111 3 112 4 122 5 -
W.Jacob G.Livings D.Kendall -
6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -
- - - - -

Bowling (8-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 N.Farquharson 3.0 0 36 0
2 K.Chance 3.0 0 27 0
3 R.Green 3.0 0 29 1
4 JD.Burbidge 3.0 0 14 1
5 SD.Joyce 1.0 0 4 1
6 D.Stamp 1.0 0 6 0

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 Matt.Robinson Bowled S.Blanchard 13 0 0
2 AJ.Joyce Caught and Bowled G.Livings 29 0 0
3 S.Farquharson Bowled C.Roberts 8 0 0
4 S.Chapman+ Stumped E.Allison K.Dawson 1 0 0
5 D.Stamp Caught W.Jacob Mark.Allison 16 0 0
6 R.Green Caught D.Allison D.Kendall 11 1 0
7 JD.Burbidge Caught R.Marriot D.Kendall 2 0 0
8 K.Chance Not Out 0 0 0
9 R.Bowen Not Out 0 0 0
10 SD.Joyce DNB -
11 N.Farquharson DNB -
Extras 12
14.0 Overs Total 92/7
1 26 2 45 3 52 4 71 5 85
Matt.Robinson S.Farquharson S.Chapman AJ.Joyce D.Stamp
6 87 7 92 8 92 9 - 10 -
JD.Burbidge R.Green - - -

Bowling (8-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 S.Blanchard 3.0 0 8 1
2 D.Gowshall 1.0 0 10 0
3 D.Allison 2.0 0 9 0
4 C.Roberts 3.0 1 9 1
5 K.Dawson 2.0 0 21 1
6 G.Livings 1.0 0 15 1
7 Mark.Allison 1.0 0 7 1
8 D.Kendall 1.0 0 6 2

Caistor won by 30 runs

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In the white room, with black curtains, at the station. - Cream