Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Thoresby Park against Brocklesby Park at Thoresby Park on 13/07/1986

Innings of Thoresby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 P.Sissans Caught M.Featherstone JG.Hutchinson 18 2 0
2 J.Musgrove Stumped M.Featherstone R.Green 62 7 0
3 E.Liversidge Bowled JD.Burbidge 4 0 0
4 C.Butler Caught R.Green JG.Hutchinson 10 1 0
5 P.Graham LBW JG.Hutchinson 12 2 0
6 M.Day Caught and Bowled R.Green 10 0 0
7 M.Storer Not Out 40 2 1
8 E.Minter Not Out 16 1 0
9 M.Lennon DNB -
10 N.Myhill DNB -
11 DNB -
Extras 4
40.0 Overs Total 176/6
1 54 2 59 3 83 4 105 5 111
P.Sissans E.Liversidge C.Butler P.Graham J.Musgrove
6 140 7 176 8 - 9 - 10 -
M.Day - - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 JD.Burbidge 10.0 2 44 1
2 N.Farquharson 5.0 1 23 0
3 JG.Hutchinson 10.0 0 41 3
4 R.Green 8.0 0 46 2
5 K.Gray 5.0 0 13 0
6 G.Mumby 2.0 0 6 0

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 G.White* Caught N.Myhill M.Storer 24 2 0
2 MCB.Burbidge LBW M.Storer 12 1 0
3 G.Mumby Bowled E.Minter 38 4 1
4 S.Farquharson Caught C.Butler M.Storer 1 0 0
5 M.Featherstone+ Bowled M.Storer 31 3 0
6 S.Chapman Stumped P.Sissans E.Minter 6 1 0
7 R.Green Bowled M.Lennon 15 1 0
8 K.Gray Bowled M.Lennon 2 0 0
9 JG.Hutchinson Bowled M.Storer 0 0 0
10 N.Farquharson Not Out 0 0 0
11 JD.Burbidge Not Out 0 0 0
Extras 5
40.0 Overs Total 134/9
1 33 2 44 3 46 4 88 5 108
G.White MCB.Burbidge S.Farquharson G.Mumby S.Chapman
6 124 7 133 8 134 9 134 10 134
S.Chapman K.Gray JG.Hutchinson R.Green -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 M.Storer 13.0 2 40 5
2 M.Lennon 10.0 4 25 2
3 E.Minter 10.0 1 38 2
4 N.Myhill 7.0 1 28 0

Thoresby Park won by 42 runs

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