Most boundaries in a career
Name | Boundaries (4/6) | Innings with Data | Boundaries per Innings | % Runs in Boundaries | |
1 | G.White | 2025 (1895/130) | 786 | 2.58 | 39.37% |
2 | M.Featherstone | 1311 (1256/55) | 432 | 3.03 | 41.41% |
3 | CA.Strange | 913 (897/16) | 399 | 2.29 | 37.03% |
4 | SC.Turner | 848 (792/56) | 358 | 2.37 | 43.1% |
5 | MCB.Burbidge | 666 (589/77) | 751 | 0.89 | 38.65% |
6 | TJ.Robinson | 657 (614/43) | 363 | 1.81 | 48.25% |
7 | KG.Smith | 609 (598/11) | 544 | 1.12 | 30.79% |
8 | T.Hartley | 600 (564/36) | 136 | 4.41 | 49.02% |
9 | K.van den Bos | 569 (561/8) | 539 | 1.06 | 27.26% |
10 | S.Trevor | 507 (442/65) | 321 | 1.58 | 42.29% |
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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Note to self. RE: Being The Fonz. Mark, you are not The Fonz. - Peep Show