Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Most sixes in a career

Name Sixes Innings with Data Sixes per Innings % Runs in Sixes
1 S.Ali 179 115 1.56 38.37%
2 G.White 130 786 0.17 3.67%
3 Jim.Robinson 117 324 0.36 15.98%
4 H.Qamar 94 84 1.12 26.21%
5 MCB.Burbidge 77 751 0.1 6.34%
6 MS.Khan 73 87 0.84 18.85%
7 PB.Burbidge 69 445 0.16 9.79%
8 G.Mumby 65 253 0.26 10.78%
9 S.Trevor 65 321 0.2 7.64%
10 M.Ayub 60 93 0.65 15.99%

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Although it has been said that on Earth alone in our Galaxy is Krikkit (or cricket) treated as fit subject for a game, and that for this reason the Earth has been shunned, this does only apply to our Galaxy, and more specifically to our dimension. - LTUAE