Fastest to landmark wickets by matches
Player | Landmark | Matches | Date | List |
J.Hutsby | 50 | 9 | 06/07/1882 | List |
F.Holdway | 100 | 35 | 07/07/1904 | List |
F.Holdway | 200 | 64 | 04/08/1906 | List |
F.Holdway | 300 | 99 | 17/07/1909 | List |
F.Holdway | 400 | 128 | 01/07/1911 | List |
F.Holdway | 500 | 163 | 13/06/1914 | List |
PB.Burbidge | 600 | 299 | 01/05/1971 | List |
PB.Burbidge | 700 | 341 | 23/06/1973 | List |
PB.Burbidge | 800 | 401 | 06/06/1976 | List |
PB.Burbidge | 900 | 453 | 18/06/1978 | List |
PB.Burbidge | 1000 | 526 | 18/07/1981 | List |
PB.Burbidge | 1100 | 591 | 22/06/1985 | List |
PB.Burbidge | 1200 | 663 | 26/08/1989 | List |
PB.Burbidge | 1300 | 718 | 08/06/1995 | List |
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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My God! In twenty four hours I'll be married to a walrus! - Blackadder