Matches Played in a Season
Name | Matches (Total) | Batting | Bowling | Fielding Total(C/S/RO) |
Year | |
1 | CJ.Smith | 53 (61) 87% | 768@16.7 | - | 17(13/4/0) | 1995 |
2 | N.Page | 53 (60) 88% | 74@4.63 | 57@14.35 | 6(6/0/0) | 1982 |
3 | MCB.Burbidge | 52 (57) 91% | 615@19.84 | 26@9 | 11(11/0/0) | 1981 |
4 | JD.Burbidge | 52 (57) 91% | 106@13.25 | 54@17.69 | 9(9/0/0) | 1981 |
5 | MCB.Burbidge | 51 (60) 85% | 597@21.32 | 32@12.91 | 9(9/0/0) | 1982 |
6 | S.Trevor | 51 (57) 89% | 592@17.41 | 2@14.5 | 40(34/6/0) | 1981 |
7 | S.Trevor | 50 (60) 83% | 594@16.97 | 3@16.33 | 27(23/4/0) | 1982 |
8 | N.Page | 49 (57) 86% | 203@7.81 | 48@13.79 | 4(4/0/0) | 1981 |
9 | S.Ali | 47 (49) 96% | 1002@24.44 | 8@42.88 | 16(15/0/1) | 2024 |
10 | S.Ali | 47 (47) 100% | 1203@26.73 | 50@15.5 | 12(9/0/3) | 2023 |
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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Val Jeffery was the worst, he'd run down the pitch with his bat in the air shouting "No!" - J.Burbidge