Closest winning margins - runs
Rank | Our Total | Their Total | Margin of Victory | Against | Location | Date |
1 | 99 All Out | 45 All Out & 67/8 | Scawby won by an innings and -45 runs | Scawby | Scawby Park | 16/09/1882 |
2 | 180 All Out | 44 All Out & 96 All Out | Southwold Hunt won by an innings and -44 runs | Southwold Hunt | Skegness | 11/08/1892 |
3 | 218 All Out | 65 All Out & 58/3 | Frodingham won by an innings and -65 runs | Frodingham | Frodingham | 27/05/1912 |
4 | 156/5 | 155/4 | Brocklesby Park won by 1 run | Grimoldby | Grimoldby | 18/05/1991 |
5 | 150/8 | 149 All Out | Brocklesby Park won by 1 run | Grimoldby | Brocklesby Park | 08/06/2008 |
6 | 112/8 | 111 All Out | Brocklesby Park won by 1 run | Bishop Norton | Bishop Norton | 30/05/1968 |
7 | 103/1 | 102 All Out | Brocklesby Park won by 1 run | Stragglers | Brocklesby Park | 02/07/1955 |
8 | 97/7 | 96/6 | Brocklesby Park won by 1 run | Scunthorpe Police | Brocklesby Park | 23/07/1980 |
9 | 96/3 | 95/5 | Brocklesby Park won by 1 run | East Halton | Brocklesby Park | 13/06/1973 |
10 | 96/5 | 95/6 | Brocklesby Park won by 1 run | Sir John Nelthorpe | Sir John Nelthorpe | 19/06/1986 |
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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When I was at school, education could go hang. As long as a boy could hit a six, sing the school song very loud and take hot crumpet from behind without blubbing - George (Blackadder)