The number of matches in the results database has reached 2500, so I'm going to toot my own trumpet *parp* For contrast the last test played was number 2136. Here's to the next 2500. - Bedders 13/01/2015
The club now has a Roll of Honour to highlight players that have seen active military service. It is currently weighted towards WW1 but more will be added in time. - Bedders 21/11/2014
Congratulations to Liam, Tom and Matt for their individual awards to complement our promotion to division 1 - Bedders 17/11/2014
Well done to everyone involved in winning the West Wold Evening League Cup after the tied final in 2010. - Bedders 11/08/2013
Congratulations to HMS Brocklesby for winning both the Mine Warfare Trophy and Surface Fleet Efficiency Pennant for their work off the Libyan coast - - Bedders 15/02/2012
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long with so little, that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing