Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Jake Hamilton

(2018 - )

Overall Batting Record

Mat Inn NO Runs Ave HS 0 50 100 4s 6s Ct St RO
League 6 6 0 114 19 51 2 1 0 22 0 200
Total 6 6 0 114 19 51 2 1 0 22 0 200

Last 5 Matches

Opponents Where Type Score HO Result Date
1 Brocklesby Park Alford League 29 Bowled Brocklesby Park won by 10 wickets 09/09/2023
2 Brocklesby Park Keelby (Stallingborough Road) League 51 Caught Brocklesby Park won by 241 runs 13/08/2023
3 Brocklesby Park Keelby (Stallingborough Road) League 0 Bowled Alford won by 5 wickets 24/06/2023
4 Brocklesby Park Keelby (Stallingborough Road) League 0 Caught Brocklesby Park won by 6 wickets 01/08/2021
5 Brocklesby Park Keelby (Stallingborough Road) League 22 Caught Alford won by 68 runs 15/07/2018

Last 5 Seasons

Mat Inn NO Runs Ave HS 0 50 100 4s 6s Ct St RO
2023 3 3 0 80 26.67 51 1 1 0 16 0 200
2021 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 000
2018 2 2 0 34 17 22 0 0 0 6 0 000
All Seasons

5 Highest Scores

Opponents Where Type Score HO Result Date
1 Brocklesby Park Keelby (Stallingborough Road) League 51 Caught Brocklesby Park won by 241 runs 13/08/2023
2 Brocklesby Park Alford League 29 Bowled Brocklesby Park won by 10 wickets 09/09/2023
3 Brocklesby Park Keelby (Stallingborough Road) League 22 Caught Alford won by 68 runs 15/07/2018
4 Brocklesby Park Alford League 12 Caught Alford won by 6 runs 10/06/2018
5 Brocklesby Park Keelby (Stallingborough Road) League 0 Caught Brocklesby Park won by 6 wickets 01/08/2021

5 Highest Partnerships

Opponents Where Partner Stand Wicket Result Date
1 Brocklesby Park Alford L.Kelly 32 1 Brocklesby Park won by 10 wickets 09/09/2023
2 Brocklesby Park Keelby (Stallingborough Road) J.Smith 0 1 Alford won by 5 wickets 24/06/2023
All 50+ Partnerships

5 Highest Player Partnerships

Partner Partnerships NO Runs Ave High Date 50 100
1 L.Kelly 1 0 32 32 32 09/09/2023 0 0
2 J.Smith 1 0 0 0 0 24/06/2023 0 0
All Player Partnerships

Batting Feats

How Dismissed

1 Caught 4 66.67%
2 Bowled 2 33.33%

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I've no desire to hang around with a bunch of upper-class delinquents, do twenty minutes' work and then spend the rest of the day loafing about in Paris drinking gallons of champagne and having dozens of moist, pink, highly experienced French peasant girls galloping up and down my - hang on... - Blackadder