Charles William Eastoe
Overall Bowling Record
Mat |
Inn |
Balls |
Mdns |
Runs |
Wkts |
Ave |
Strike |
Best |
3W |
5W |
Friendly |
1 |
0 |
Total |
1 |
0 |
Last 5 Matches
Opponents |
Location |
O |
M |
R |
W |
Result |
Date |
1 |
Caistor |
Caistor |
- |
- |
- |
Caistor won by 0 wickets |
23/05/1906 |
Last 5 Seasons
Mat |
Inn |
Balls |
Mdns |
Runs |
Wkts |
Ave |
Strike |
Best |
3W |
5W |
1906 |
1 |
0 |
5 Best Bowling Performances
Opponents |
Location |
O |
M |
R |
W |
Result |
Date |
How Dismissed


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Now If we can hit this bullseye, all the dominos will fall like a house of cards...checkmate! - Futurama