Most consecutive matches played
Player | Matches | First | Last | Period | |
1 | RJ.Bedwell | 204 | 08/08/2010 | 11/08/2019 | 9 years 3 days |
2 | MCB.Burbidge | 92 | 10/07/1969 | 26/08/1972 | 3 years 47 days |
3 | MJH.Davey | 80 | 26/06/1954 | 10/06/1957 | 2 years 349 days |
4 | RJ.Bedwell | 59 | 14/09/2008 | 01/08/2010 | 1 years 321 days |
5 | MJH.Davey | 54 | 13/05/1950 | 21/06/1952 | 2 years 39 days |
6 | TJ.Robinson | 53 | 21/07/1971 | 28/07/1973 | 2 years 7 days |
7 | RJ.Bedwell | 52 | 04/08/2002 | 01/05/2004 | 1 years 271 days |
8 | G.Mumby | 50 | 01/06/1974 | 23/08/1975 | 1 years 83 days |
9 | MCB.Burbidge | 45 | 17/07/1976 | 27/08/1977 | 1 years 41 days |
10 | G.Mumby | 45 | 23/06/1979 | 15/06/1980 | 358 days |
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by - Douglas Adams