Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Spilsby at Brocklesby Park on 22/07/1978

Innings of Spilsby

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 J.Lee Caught CL.Strange M.Featherstone 1 0 0
2 C.Pinkney Run Out 0 0 0
3 Tuplin Caught S.Trevor G.Mumby 29 5 0
4 K.Mansey Caught S.Trevor G.Mumby 10 1 0
5 Smith Caught C.Douce G.Mumby 0 0 0
6 T.Gregory Stumped C.Douce GR.Holmes 17 3 0
7 JR.Dale Bowled GR.Holmes 11 1 0
8 Ratcliffe Bowled GR.Holmes 0 0 0
9 Mick.Middleton Not Out 27 3 0
10 MJ.Middleton Caught G.White S.Trevor 19 3 0
11 W.Edwards Not Out 24 3 0
Extras 7
44.0 Overs Total 145/9
1 1 2 25 3 37 4 41 5 46
C.Pinkney J.Lee Tuplin Smith Smith
6 67 7 67 8 70 9 108 10 145
JR.Dale Ratcliffe T.Gregory MJ.Middleton -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 M.Featherstone 12.0 6 21 1
2 G.Mumby 18.0 6 42 3
3 GR.Holmes 10.0 2 47 3
4 S.Trevor 4.0 0 26 1

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 G.White Bowled W.Edwards 76 6 0
2 J.Martin Bowled Mick.Middleton 0 0 0
3 CL.Strange Caught Smith W.Edwards 0 0 0
4 GR.Holmes Caught Ratcliffe JR.Dale 5 0 0
5 M.Featherstone LBW JR.Dale 6 0 0
6 G.Mumby Bowled Smith 22 3 0
7 N.Page Run Out 1 0 0
8 S.Trevor Run Out 12 0 0
9 D.McMann Bowled Smith 0 0 0
10 C.Douce+ Not Out 2 0 0
11 W.Holmes Not Out 0 0 0
Extras 17
38.0 Overs Total 141/9
1 2 2 3 3 33 4 42 5 100
J.Martin CL.Strange GR.Holmes M.Featherstone G.Mumby
6 102 7 134 8 139 9 140 10 141
N.Page S.Trevor G.White D.McMann -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 W.Edwards 9.0 2 28 2
2 Mick.Middleton 6.0 1 19 1
3 JR.Dale 9.0 3 32 2
4 Smith 14.0 1 44 2


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Damn you, vile woman, you've impeded my work since the day I escaped your wretched womb. - Stewie Griffin