Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Market Rasen against Brocklesby Park at Brocklesby Park on 24/07/1977

Innings of Market Rasen

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 J.Spalding Caught C.Douce M.Gorvel 23 3 0
2 D.Shaw Caught C.Douce M.Gorvel 9 1 0
3 G.Taylor Caught PB.Burbidge G.Mumby 38 1 1
4 TR.Chapman Bowled M.Gorvel 17 1 0
5 P.Thornton Caught MCB.Burbidge G.Mumby 9 0 0
6 C.Lancaster LBW M.Gorvel 8 1 0
7 R.Spalding Not Out 27 1 0
8 A.Porter Not Out 25 1 0
9 M.Berry DNB -
10 R.Marshall DNB -
11 J.Topliss DNB -
Extras 4
40.0 Overs Total 160/6
1 24 2 47 3 83 4 89 5 106
D.Shaw J.Spalding TR.Chapman G.Taylor C.Lancaster
6 108 7 160 8 - 9 - 10 -
P.Thornton - - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 PB.Burbidge 7.0 0 30 0
2 M.Gorvel 20.0 3 60 4
3 J.Clarke 6.0 1 22 0
4 G.Mumby 7.0 0 44 2

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 G.White Caught P.Thornton G.Taylor 65 8 0
2 TJ.Robinson Bowled J.Topliss 4 1 0
3 M.Gorvel Caught R.Spalding M.Berry 2 0 0
4 G.Mumby Caught J.Spalding M.Berry 3 0 0
5 N.Page Bowled R.Marshall 1 0 0
6 CL.Strange Bowled G.Taylor 8 0 0
7 PB.Burbidge Bowled P.Thornton 20 2 0
8 J.Clarke Caught and Bowled G.Taylor 1 0 0
9 A.Page Caught C.Lancaster J.Topliss 4 0 0
10 MCB.Burbidge Not Out 2 0 0
11 C.Douce Not Out 5 0 0
Extras 3
40.0 Overs Total 118/9
1 10 2 19 3 31 4 44 5 86
TJ.Robinson M.Gorvel G.Mumby N.Page CL.Strange
6 87 7 88 8 111 9 113 10 118
G.White J.Clarke PB.Burbidge A.Page -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 M.Berry 6.0 2 20 2
2 J.Topliss 7.0 2 17 2
3 R.Spalding 6.0 1 23 0
4 R.Marshall 5.0 1 14 1
5 TR.Chapman 6.0 0 15 0
6 G.Taylor 4.0 0 4 3
7 J.Spalding 3.0 0 14 0
8 P.Thornton 3.0 1 8 1


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