Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Horncastle at Brocklesby Park on 11/05/2008

Innings of Horncastle

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 R.Hall Stumped RM.Saxon DS.Williamson 23 4 0
2 J.Barrs Bowled PG.Hutchinson 5 0 0
3 B.Freeman LBW DS.Williamson 2 0 0
4 T.Owen Caught BR.Keatley DS.Williamson 16 2 1
5 J.Ward Caught RM.Saxon NJ.Beacock 17 2 1
6 D.Clayton Bowled JS.Pexman 0 0 0
7 D.Freeman Run Out PG.Hutchinson 5 0 0
8 J.Khan Run Out PG.Hutchinson 40 6 0
9 P.Roberts Not Out 19 1 1
10 S.Dukes DNB -
11 N.Whiting DNB -
Extras 24
40.0 Overs Total 151/8
1 36 2 39 3 42 4 72 5 72
J.Barrs R.Hall B.Freeman T.Owen D.Clayton
6 79 7 88 8 151 9 - 10 -
J.Ward D.Freeman J.Khan - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 PG.Hutchinson 10.0 3 15 1
2 JD.Burbidge 6.0 1 21 0
3 DS.Williamson 10.0 1 33 3
4 JS.Pexman 5.0 5 11 1
5 NJ.Beacock 5.0 1 33 1
6 BR.Keatley 4.0 0 28 0

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 JS.Pexman Bowled R.Hall 41 6 0
2 G.White LBW J.Barrs 37 4 0
3 PG.Hutchinson Caught J.Barrs 8 1 0
4 BW.Fish Bowled J.Barrs 0 0 0
5 RJ.Bedwell Bowled R.Hall 7 1 0
6 RM.Saxon+ Not Out 16 2 0
7 BR.Keatley Bowled T.Owen 17 2 0
8 NJ.Beacock Not Out 4 0 0
9 DS.Williamson* DNB -
10 JD.Burbidge DNB -
11 DNB -
Extras 22
39.4 Overs Total 152/6
1 92 2 96 3 104 4 106 5 112
G.White JS.Pexman PG.Hutchinson BW.Fish RJ.Bedwell
6 146 7 152 8 - 9 - 10 -
BR.Keatley - - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 N.Whiting 3.0 0 16 0
2 S.Dukes 6.4 1 15 0
3 T.Owen 9.0 1 27 1
4 B.Freeman 4.0 0 19 0
5 R.Hall 8.0 1 36 2
6 J.Barrs 9.0 2 30 3

Brocklesby Park won by 4 wickets

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I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by - Douglas Adams