Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Hurdiss at Brocklesby Park on 21/06/2011

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 SM.Dixon Caught H.Capstick I.Dunn 4 0 0
2 M.Bell+ Bowled I.Dunn 20 0 0
3 RA.Anglin Caught R.McKitton T.McKitton 24 1 1
4 LB.Redmond Bowled T.McKitton 7 0 0
5 GTT.Haxby Stumped P.Jacob L.Overson 22 2 0
6 J.Richards Bowled H.Capstick 2 0 0
7 BW.Fish Not Out 22 3 0
8 GD.Eddell Not Out 0 0 0
9 RJ.Bedwell* DNB -
10 JD.Burbidge DNB -
11 P.Dewfall DNB -
Extras 6
16.0 Overs Total 107/6
1 7 2 39 3 56 4 64 5 74
SM.Dixon M.Bell LB.Redmond RA.Anglin J.Richards
6 88 7 107 8 - 9 - 10 -
GTT.Haxby - - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 T.Brown 3.0 0 24 0
2 I.Dunn 3.0 0 15 2
3 T.McKitton 3.0 0 16 2
4 M.Brown 2.0 0 12 0
5 L.Overson 3.0 0 24 1
6 H.Capstick 2.0 0 13 1

Innings of Hurdiss

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 P.Jacob Bowled LB.Redmond 12 2 0
2 M.Stangroom Bowled JD.Burbidge 29 4 1
3 R.McKitton Caught GTT.Haxby J.Richards 21 4 0
4 S.Eastwood LBW LB.Redmond 0 0 0
5 M.Brown Caught RA.Anglin LB.Redmond 6 0 0
6 T.Capstick Not Out 18 0 0
7 L.Overson Bowled J.Richards 0 0 0
8 T.McKitton Not Out 7 0 0
9 H.Capstick DNB -
10 I.Dunn DNB -
11 T.Brown DNB -
Extras 5
16.0 Overs Total 98/6
1 40 2 46 3 46 4 70 5 82
M.Stangroom P.Jacob S.Eastwood M.Brown R.McKitton
6 83 7 98 8 - 9 - 10 -
L.Overson - - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 JD.Burbidge 3.0 0 15 1
2 P.Dewfall 2.0 0 25 0
3 LB.Redmond 3.0 0 10 3
4 BW.Fish 2.0 0 18 0
5 RJ.Bedwell 3.0 0 12 0
6 J.Richards 3.0 0 15 2

Brocklesby Park won by 9 runs

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Besides, once you're going steady, you can grind her down. Put her handbag in the fridge and tell her she's going mad. - Peep Show