Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Hurdiss against Brocklesby Park at Caistor on 12/07/2011

Innings of Hurdiss

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 P.Jacob Bowled RJ.Bedwell 0 0 0
2 R.McKitton Bowled NJ.Beacock 14 2 0
3 M.Stangroom Bowled NJ.Beacock 21 3 0
4 T.McKitton Bowled T.Daniels 1 0 0
5 S.Eastwood Bowled NJ.Beacock 0 0 0
6 R.Freeman Run Out SM.Dixon 7 1 0
7 H.Capstick Caught JD.Burbidge PT.Neal 7 0 0
8 L.Overson Not Out 20 2 0
9 D.Dunn Bowled PT.Neal 12 1 0
10 T.Brown Bowled PT.Neal 1 0 0
11 I.Dunn DNB -
Extras 10
16.0 Overs Total 93/9
1 1 2 38 3 43 4 43 5 43
P.Jacob R.McKitton M.Stangroom S.Eastwood T.McKitton
6 56 7 63 8 91 9 93 10 -
R.Freeman H.Capstick D.Dunn T.Brown -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 RJ.Bedwell 3.0 0 20 1
2 JD.Burbidge 2.0 0 22 0
3 NJ.Beacock 3.0 0 11 3
4 T.Daniels 3.0 0 12 1
5 PT.Neal 3.0 0 14 3
6 P.Dewfall 2.0 0 14 0

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 GTT.Haxby Run Out 6 0 0
2 M.Bell+ Caught R.Freeman T.Brown 12 1 0
3 RA.Anglin Run Out 0 0 0
4 J.Richards Caught P.Jacob M.Stangroom 13 1 0
5 SM.Dixon Bowled D.Dunn 31 1 2
6 T.Daniels Caught S.Eastwood T.McKitton 9 0 0
7 NJ.Beacock* Caught L.Overson R.Freeman 6 0 0
8 PT.Neal Run Out 2 0 0
9 RJ.Bedwell Not Out 7 0 0
10 JD.Burbidge Caught H.Capstick D.Dunn 2 0 0
11 P.Dewfall Not Out 1 0 0
Extras 5
15.2 Overs Total 94/9
1 17 2 21 3 23 4 38 5 73
GTT.Haxby RA.Anglin M.Bell J.Richards T.Daniels
6 79 7 84 8 85 9 91 10 94
SM.Dixon PT.Neal NJ.Beacock JD.Burbidge -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 I.Dunn 1.0 0 8 0
2 T.Brown 3.0 0 10 1
3 M.Stangroom 3.0 0 20 1
4 T.McKitton 3.0 0 16 1
5 H.Capstick 2.0 0 22 0
6 D.Dunn 2.0 0 9 2
7 R.Freeman 1.2 0 6 1

Brocklesby Park won by 1 wicket

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Cricketers are vulnerable because the game attracts sensitive men of aesthetic temperament, the very men who are, in the end, least well served by it - Peter Roebuck