Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Brocklesby Park against Friskney at Brocklesby Park on 19/05/2013

Innings of Friskney

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 M.Griffiths Bowled K.Navaratnam 62 10 0
2 B.Troops Bowled RJ.Bedwell 7 0 0
3 R.Grant Caught P.Dewfall JS.Pexman 21 5 0
4 D.Lawson Not Out 57 5 0
5 L.Bent LBW K.Navaratnam 1 0 0
6 K.Dobson Caught CIP.Stevenson P.Dewfall 4 0 0
7 L.Bell Run Out P.Dewfall 11 1 0
8 N.Snell Caught GTT.Haxby RJ.Bedwell 7 0 0
9 G.Elsom Not Out 0 0 0
10 C.Berry DNB -
11 G.Danby DNB -
Extras 26
40.0 Overs Total 193/7
1 16 2 59 3 110 4 116 5 135
B.Troops R.Grant M.Griffiths L.Bent K.Dobson
6 162 7 189 8 193 9 - 10 -
L.Bell N.Snell - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 RJ.Bedwell 7.0 1 29 2
2 P.Dewfall 8.0 0 44 1
3 JS.Pexman 4.0 0 15 1
4 JD.Burbidge 8.0 2 18 0
5 K.Navaratnam 6.0 0 36 2
6 CIP.Stevenson 2.0 0 17 0
7 BW.Fish 5.0 0 29 0

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 GTT.Haxby Run Out 15 2 0
2 CA.Strange+ Caught G.Elsom 31 1 0
3 JS.Pexman Run Out 5 1 0
4 RJ.Bedwell Bowled N.Snell 3 0 0
5 BW.Fish+ Caught M.Griffiths G.Danby 1 0 0
6 NJR.Stevenson Bowled N.Snell 1 0 0
7 NP.Bedwell Caught and Bowled G.Danby 2 0 0
8 CIP.Stevenson Not Out 9 0 0
9 K.Navaratnam Caught G.Danby 2 0 0
10 P.Dewfall Bowled B.Troops 5 0 0
11 JD.Burbidge* Caught B.Troops 0 0 0
Extras 11
39.3 Overs Total 85 All Out
1 20 2 38 3 65 4 65 5 67
GTT.Haxby JS.Pexman RJ.Bedwell CA.Strange BW.Fish
6 67 7 74 8 78 9 85 10 85
BW.Fish NP.Bedwell K.Navaratnam P.Dewfall JD.Burbidge

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 L.Bell 6.0 0 17 0
2 B.Troops 7.3 1 22 2
3 G.Elsom 7.0 2 14 1
4 N.Snell 7.0 2 11 2
5 G.Danby 7.0 4 7 3
6 C.Berry 5.0 0 9 0

Friskney won by 108 runs

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The achievement that this team has achieved is a fantastic achievement - Michael Vaughan