Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Middle Rasen against Brocklesby Park at Middle Rasen on 28/05/2013

Innings of Middle Rasen

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 A.Wells Caught SM.Dixon P.Dewfall 29 3 2
2 W.Bradford Caught and Bowled PT.Neal 8 0 0
3 D.Salmon LBW JS.Pexman 7 1 0
4 H.Green Stumped CA.Strange JS.Pexman 8 1 0
5 T.Boryszczuk Run Out P.Dewfall 48 7 2
6 I.Nash Bowled JS.Pexman 0 0 0
7 T.Bradford Bowled JS.Pexman 2 0 0
8 K.Salmon Not Out 6 0 0
9 T.Wray Bowled SM.Dixon 10 1 1
10 C.Potter Not Out 7 1 0
11 C.Robinson DNB -
Extras 6
16.0 Overs Total 131/8
1 26 2 38 3 50 4 53 5 53
W.Bradford A.Wells H.Green D.Salmon I.Nash
6 67 7 106 8 120 9 131 10 -
T.Bradford T.Boryszczuk T.Wray - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 P.Dewfall 3.0 0 30 1
2 PT.Neal 3.0 0 11 1
3 RJ.Bedwell 3.0 0 16 0
4 JS.Pexman 3.0 1 10 4
5 T.Wilkinson 2.0 0 34 0
6 SM.Dixon 2.0 0 30 1

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 M.Bell Bowled H.Green 9 1 0
2 AR.Dixon Bowled T.Boryszczuk 18 2 0
3 M.York Caught T.Bradford I.Nash 8 1 0
4 T.Wilkinson Run Out 1 0 0
5 GTT.Haxby Bowled T.Boryszczuk 6 1 0
6 SM.Dixon* Caught K.Salmon I.Nash 20 0 3
7 PT.Neal Bowled D.Salmon 0 0 0
8 CA.Strange+ Caught A.Wells I.Nash 2 0 0
9 RJ.Bedwell Bowled K.Salmon 2 0 0
10 JS.Pexman Not Out 1 0 0
11 P.Dewfall Not Out 0 0 0
Extras 18
16.0 Overs Total 85/9
1 33 2 38 3 42 4 49 5 74
M.Bell AR.Dixon T.Wilkinson GTT.Haxby M.York
6 79 7 79 8 83 9 85 10 85
PT.Neal SM.Dixon CA.Strange RJ.Bedwell -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 C.Robinson 3.0 0 16 0
2 H.Green 3.0 0 16 1
3 T.Wray 2.0 0 2 0
4 T.Boryszczuk 3.0 0 30 2
5 I.Nash 3.0 0 8 3
6 D.Salmon 1.0 0 4 1
7 K.Salmon 1.0 0 2 1

Middle Rasen won by 46 runs

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He learnt to communicate with birds and discovered that their conversation was fantastically boring. It was all to do with windspeed, wing spans, power-to-weight ratios and a fair bit about berries - LTUAE