Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Escrick against Brocklesby Park at Escrick on 18/08/1990

Innings of Escrick

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 A.Larmour Caught MCB.Burbidge M.Featherstone 31 3 0
2 B.Farmery Caught MCB.Burbidge H.Wood 23 3 0
3 WE.Reader Stumped KG.Smith M.Featherstone 46 6 0
4 N.Larmour Not Out 89 13 2
5 M.Neary Not Out 18 0 0
6 B.Castle DNB -
7 J.Wright DNB -
8 D.Quarrie DNB -
9 P.Dawson DNB -
10 C.Larmour DNB -
11 DNB -
Extras 18
45.0 Overs Total 225/3
1 55 2 81 3 174 4 225 5 -
B.Farmery A.Larmour WE.Reader -
6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -
- - - - -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 H.Wood 11.0 3 34 1
2 M.Featherstone 22.0 0 87 2
3 PB.Burbidge 6.0 0 53 0
4 Russ .Smith 6.0 0 38 0

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 KG.Smith+ Caught J.Wright P.Dawson 11 1 0
2 I.Gouldthorpe Bowled P.Dawson 0 0 0
3 VGE.Jeffrey Caught B.Castle P.Dawson 7 1 0
4 S.Trevor Bowled C.Larmour 40 5 0
5 M.Featherstone Caught and Bowled N.Larmour 55 6 0
6 G.Mumby Caught P.Dawson D.Quarrie 1 0 0
7 CL.Strange LBW WE.Reader 10 0 0
8 H.Wood Not Out 8 2 0
9 MCB.Burbidge Caught D.Quarrie N.Larmour 0 0 0
10 PB.Burbidge Bowled N.Larmour 0 0 0
11 Russ .Smith DNB -
Extras 7
40.0 Overs Total 139/9
1 1 2 12 3 20 4 87 5 90
I.Gouldthorpe KG.Smith VGE.Jeffrey S.Trevor G.Mumby
6 127 7 135 8 139 9 139 10 -
CL.Strange M.Featherstone MCB.Burbidge PB.Burbidge -

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 P.Dawson 10.0 3 36 3
2 C.Larmour 13.0 2 35 1
3 D.Quarrie 7.0 0 41 1
4 N.Larmour 7.0 3 14 3
5 WE.Reader 3.0 1 9 1


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