Most Matches As Captain
Name | Matches | First | Last | Period | |
1 | RJ.Bedwell | 168 | 10/05/2003 | 18/09/2022 | 19 years 131 days |
2 | NJ.Beacock | 75 | 04/05/2005 | 17/07/2012 | 7 years 74 days |
3 | MCB.Burbidge | 71 | 28/04/1984 | 03/07/1999 | 15 years 66 days |
4 | G.White | 70 | 06/05/1984 | 16/07/2005 | 21 years 71 days |
5 | JD.Burbidge | 44 | 06/05/1986 | 19/07/2015 | 29 years 74 days |
6 | SM.Dixon | 36 | 23/04/2013 | 25/07/2017 | 4 years 93 days |
7 | SC.Turner | 25 | 17/07/1999 | 20/05/2012 | 12 years 308 days |
8 | DS.Williamson | 25 | 04/07/2004 | 13/09/2008 | 4 years 71 days |
9 | IS.Hayre | 20 | 23/04/2022 | 17/09/2022 | 147 days |
10 | F.Holdway | 12 | 29/06/1907 | 25/07/1914 | 7 years 26 days |
Produced by
Richard Bedwell on behalf of Brocklesby Park Cricket Club
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You find yourself amusing, Blackadder. - Ludwig, I try not to fly in the face of public opinion. - Blackadder