Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Players with TA.Marshall

Name M I NO R Ave 50 100 B M R W Ave
K.van den Bos 16716214238716.1380 864264223312.79
JM.Greetham 1571421911599.4210 6190193281725411.09
Jim.Robinson 15514619217117.0970 5077119247120212.23
MJH.Davey 12911619126913.0830 4697127231119212.04
J.Dent 10785193935.9500 1822658475714.86
PB.Burbidge 91811077010.8510 440614518711919.8
PG.Douce 8667133576.6100 2021132526.4
D.Hurd 755216982.7200 90154227
JD.Hargreaves 736254017.0400 158936830869.65
G.Askew 625845199.6110
R.Cook 5344132066.6500 24114114
G.Bishop 5044963918.2640 198861746888.48
W.Cade 4738121144.3800 12110-
EW.Hoyle 473822707.500 45024212
GR.Oram 422841415.8800 1471457145213.73
JS.Scarborough 4038449714.6210 460102431024.3
RW.Mumby 383271877.4800 381210-
R.Foster 383011904.7400 12060-
PS.Raby 312321888.9500 52135217.5
MCB.Burbidge 29175403.3300 41533561720.94
G.Smith 282251287.5300 241220-
RB.Clayton 2626126710.6810 54918225239.78
EP.Haines 2525641121.6320 558152962810.57
KG.Smith 2319128215.6710 12080-
CL.Strange 19121312.8200 34029214.5
H.Dixon 19167707.7800
H.Dale 17104152.500 80221
Proctor 17133272.700
JD.Cuthbert 161521269.6900 86041314388.26
W.Houlgate 151421028.500
RB.Lyth 1461275.400 526201891512.6
J.Henderson 1410112814.2210 522222122010.6
M.Thompson 14141342.6200
H.Barton 1313310810.800 29511108912
DI.Rose 1110126729.6711
Hughes 11110484.3600
Dick.Bullimore 99017018.8910 545182292210.41
G.Jarvis 972751500
Jul.Hargreaves 961234.600 1801929.5
S.Vaughan 86125500
P.Rawlinson 760203.3300
S.Jarvis 7606110.1700 120717
GP.Good 75151.2500
Bill.Margrave 660569.3300
TJ.Robinson 65116400 124544411
J.Buxton 66214736.7500 600360-
D.White 6624110.2500
E.Urry 5101100 36038219
Rich.Bullimore 54118600 10815969.83
J.Atkinson 530196.3300
C.Cambell 55035700
Oliver 550367.200
John.Robinson 532141400
R.Darby 540194.7500
L.Woodford 550173.400
CCH.Irvine 54120.6700
N.Russell 4000000 261623
NM.Irvine 4422100 6090-
FK.Robinson 440112.7500
J.Gent 44141.3300 121422
A.Turner (50-61) 441361200 94237312.33
KJ.Rawlinson 44020500 13265368.83
MP.Lancaster 430227.3300 10623957.8
R.Elwood 441103.3300 180130-
HLS.Coulthurst 4408220.510 132375325
Turner 32073.500 80313
J.Knapton 3212200 6050-
REN.Flear 330301000
NM.Wiles 3103300
Jerrard 330299.6700 240200-
MH.Wells-Cole 22031.500
I.Moffat 21122000 6090-
RN.Coulthurst 220199.500 16020120
K.Hunter 2206300
N.Price 22073.500
Johnson (1958) 2113000
ADP.Wells-Cole 2202100
Wingfield 22094.500
M.Maw 21114000
West 220178.500
G.Border 221121200
Pickering 110131300
Johnson (1961) 1102200
W.Hunter 1100000
Levy 1105500
K.Roberts 110121200
I.Stones 1112000
Sharpe 1105500
J.Barnet 1109900 400732.33
K.Goddard 110191900 291933
Milford 1102200
G.Lamb 1101100
B.Gillespie 1100000
D.James 1100000
Markham 1100000 360250-
O'Toole 1100000
W.Wall 1107700 31017117
D.Marshall 1110000
Long 1104400
Reed 1110000 180110-
M.Collins (1960) 1100000
Nice 1107700
Powell 1000000
Allen 1000000
Norman 1000000
Bradley 1104400
M.Golland 1000000
Needham 1101100
CC.Riggall 1000000
J.Woods 1100000
R.Hornby 1110000
Von Brown 1000000
J.Macertich 110101000
P.Axe 1104400
P.Taylor (1961) 110101000
M.Spencer 11112000
Brigg.GS 1110000
Kemp 1101100
Unknown 1102200
Castle 110232300
G.Bramhill 1111000 24050-
A.Lea 1102200 7851728.5
Bray 1100000
Preston 1104400
Wells 110151500
T.Shooter 1100000 48316116
Altoft 1108800 9032237.33
G.Woods 1102200
Rogers 1102200

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If I had a penny for my thoughts, I'd be a millionaire - Beastie Boys