Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Hainton against Brocklesby Park at Hainton on 15/05/2005

Innings of Hainton

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 D.Richards Caught ACJ.Ferrier P.Hopton 65 11 1
2 N.Bratton Bowled JD.Burbidge 21 5 0
3 D.Christie Bowled DS.Williamson 46 8 1
4 T.Horne Caught RJ.Bedwell RM.Saxon 18 3 0
5 R.Boryszczuk Bowled P.Hopton 0 0 0
6 D.Hutchinson Caught ACJ.Ferrier P.Hopton 5 1 0
7 N.Moore Bowled P.Hopton 21 3 0
8 J.Bonas Bowled P.Hopton 1 0 0
9 J.Basford Bowled RM.Saxon 1 0 0
10 D.Wells Not Out 11 2 0
11 F.Chamberlin Caught ACJ.Ferrier JD.Burbidge 20 5 0
Extras 39
39.3 Overs Total 248 All Out
1 41 2 156 3 157 4 157 5 173
N.Bratton D.Christie D.Richards R.Boryszczuk D.Hutchinson
6 207 7 215 8 216 9 216 10 248
T.Horne N.Moore J.Bonas J.Basford F.Chamberlin

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 PG.Hutchinson 6.0 0 23 0
2 JD.Burbidge 8.3 0 47 2
3 DS.Williamson 8.0 0 38 1
4 JS.Pexman 3.0 0 31 0
5 P.Hopton 8.0 0 52 5
6 RM.Saxon 6.0 0 28 2

Innings of Brocklesby Park

Batsman How Out Fielder Bowler Score 4s 6s
1 G.White Caught D.Christie T.Horne 4 1 0
2 CA.Strange LBW R.Boryszczuk 22 4 0
3 JG.Hutchinson Caught D.Christie R.Boryszczuk 16 2 0
4 PG.Hutchinson Stumped D.Christie R.Boryszczuk 0 0 0
5 ACJ.Ferrier+ Bowled T.Horne 4 1 0
6 RJ.Bedwell Bowled D.Wells 6 1 0
7 RM.Saxon Bowled N.Bratton 75 15 1
8 DS.Williamson* LBW N.Bratton 15 3 0
9 JD.Burbidge Bowled D.Richards 0 0 0
10 P.Hopton Run Out D.Richards 0 0 0
11 JS.Pexman Not Out 0 0 0
Extras 28
39.4 Overs Total 170 All Out
1 6 2 44 3 52 4 57 5 57
G.White JG.Hutchinson PG.Hutchinson ACJ.Ferrier CA.Strange
6 76 7 137 8 146 9 166 10 170
RJ.Bedwell DS.Williamson JD.Burbidge P.Hopton RM.Saxon

Bowling (6-ball Overs)

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
1 T.Horne 10.0 4 24 2
2 R.Boryszczuk 10.0 1 36 3
3 D.Richards 10.0 2 52 1
4 D.Wells 4.0 0 16 1
5 N.Bratton 5.4 0 30 2

Hainton won by 78 runs

Match Report

David Williamson was hit for six over the pavillion onto the roof of his own car for six by Dale Christie, but gained some revenge by later bowling him.
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When I was at school, education could go hang. As long as a boy could hit a six, sing the school song very loud and take hot crumpet from behind without blubbing - George (Blackadder)